Return, Refund or Exchange Policy
If you are looking to return or exchange your order for any reason, we are here to help!
For items that are shipped:
We will accept a return within 14 days of delivery for a refund of the purchase of the item(s) not including shipping fees. The purchaser will pay for return shipping.
For items picked up in store:
Purchases selected to be picked-up in store can be picked up at the following address:
ReStore Wichita
601 N. West St.
Wichita, KS 67203
Hours of Operation: Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
601 N. West St.
Wichita, KS 67203
Hours of Operation: Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Online purchases are eligible for a full refund at the time of pickup if the item does not meet your satisfaction when you see it in person. You must leave the item(s) and request a refund at that time.
There will be no refunds once you leave ReStore and your purchase will be considered a FINAL SALE.
Approved refunds will be issued to the original form of payment. It can take up to five (5) business days for a refund to reflect on your account.
If you have questions, please contact ReStore Wichita at