Everyone deserves a decent place to live.

Thank you,

Mr. President

Honoring a life of service
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We Are

Wichita Habitat for Humanity

We believe in a world where everyone has a decent place to live.
By building and improving homes, we create strong and stable communities.

Doubling Our Impact

Transforming lives one home at a time.


children moved into safe, affordable housing since 1986


volunteer hours to build one house


in property taxes paid by Wichita Habitat homeowners in 2022


"Homeownership is important for my family because my children never had a home. I am now able to provide them a secure and stable foundation for their future."
Cherity, Habitat Homeowner


A Sincere Thank You To

Our Sponsors

Textron Aviation logo.
ICM logo.
Koch Industries logo.
Catholic Diocese of Wichita logo.
Lattner Family Foundation logo.
Ametek PDS logo.
DeVore Foundation logo.
Jump Start Stores logo.
Bank of America logo.
Leading Technology Composites logo.
Emprise Bank logo.
INTRUST Bank logo.
Spirit AeroSystems logo.
Kansas Health Foundation logo.
IMA Financial Group logo.
Meritrust Credit Union logo.
United Way of the Plains logo.
Star Lumber logo.
Wells Fargo logo.
Superior Broom logo.
Walmart Foundation logo.
Wichita Rotary Club logo.
Wichita Area Builders Association logo.
Wichita First Church of the Nazarene logo.
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